Founded in 2004, Red Dog Wine & Spirits Ltd. sources, imports and represents a unique, carefully selected, and competitively priced portfolio of high-quality wines and spirits to BC Liquor Stores (BCLDB), restaurants and private beer & wine store retail customers throughout British Columbia, Canada.  Our mission is to introduce consumers to great wine finds from around the world by scrupulously sourcing, then building long-term relationships with our producers, customers and partners. We would like to be known as “the go-to” importers with impeccable taste and a nose for great value. We want you to know that all the wines in the Red Dog portfolio are superb, whether they are priced at $11.95 or $119.50.  Red Dog Wine & Spirits looks forward to welcoming new and exciting products to your table. Always on a mission to bring you your next great wine find. You can be assured that Red Dog has done all the research in bringing you another Great Choice to enjoy with friends and family. Cheers!


Note: This is a Business to Business Site. All prices are estimated and subject to change. Prices are pre-tax for licensees (restaurants), government BC Liquor Stores and wholesale (private wine shops). Consumer retail prices will vary by store, restaurant and location.