About Red Dog


Red Dog Wine & Spirits is a husband (Cliff) and wife (Laurie) team of wine importers, based out of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


In 2004, after Clifford had gained over 10 years experience with a multinational wine and spirits importer representing major brands including Hiedsieck, Wolf Blass, Mondavi, Ferrari Carano, Cointreau and Absolut Vodka, they decided to share their knowledge and love of travel, food and wine with like-minded consumers of British Columbia.

“He was passionate about wine, and I was passionate about him,” is how Laurie got into the wine trade. Laurie’s background is in advertising and marketing, with over 20 years with agencies including Young & Rubicam and Saatchi & Saatchi.

Together they are a great team, with their individual strengths balancing the workload.

“Our mission is to introduce consumers to great wine finds from around the world by scrupulously sourcing, then building long-term relationships with our producers, customers and partners. We’re the “go-to” importers with impeccable taste and a nose for great value. All the wines in the Red Dog portfolio are superb, whether they are priced at $11.95 or $119.50.  We source, import and represent a unique, carefully selected, and competitively priced portfolio of high-quality wines that over-deliver, so that consumers can experience the passion of real wines that have been hand-crafted.

Red Dog Wine & Spirits looks forward to welcoming new and exciting products to your table. Always on a mission to bring you, your next great wine find. You can be assured that Red Dog has done all the research in bringing you another Great Choice to enjoy with friends and family.”


Cliff & Laurie